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Streaming in July

I am so pleased with my progress in streaming in July. I streamed for ten hours! I was streaming at least once a week. Only streaming for ten hours a month, once a week might not seem like a big deal, but it was important to me. It was a big step into being a more consistent person. I mean I want to be a more consistent streamer but also want more consistency in my life. Have I said consistent enough yet? I think let us move onward now.

The July streaming adventure was awesome. I had people chatting in every stream. Were they people I already knew? Most of them, however, there were some new folks who ended up not only chatting but following too. It made my heart so happy. I don't always have the mindset to chat or message but streaming makes it so much easier for me.

My goal for August is to stream 20 hours. I have only streamed 5 hours so far, so I have 15 more to go! I have been trying to play the games I like and so far it has worked out for me. I think this month will be great! Here's hoping I can stream not only more hours but also more than once a week. I am not rushing myself into anything. I find taking this at my own pace and not worrying about everyone else is the best way for me to succeed in my goals.

The only other thought or update I have is I am having a reference sheet done with a new hairstyle and outfit. I can't wait to show yall when it's done!

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