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A thought to write down

When it comes to writing there is no wrong way to go about it. So why then do all of us aspiring writers think we have to write a trilogy with 800-plus pages?

I recently came across poetry books. They were indeed a published book of nothing but the author's poems. It made me think of the different kinds of ways to write there are out there.

H.P. Lovecraft wrote not only short stories but also wrote at least 300 poems. Edgar Allan Poe was the same way not only writing famous short stories but also poems as well. Their work is not all fit snuggly in one book, so why does mine have to be? People admire these men, these writers for their unique and sometimes dark tales they spun. They like us have a glimpse into their mind and thoughts. I think that is beautiful in and of itself.

I love the writer who writes about fantasy and what could be, however, I also admire those who write about the heart. All the great stories or poems on love and grief. The kind of stories or poems that made you grab your chest as you read them. The kind of writing that makes you hope for the best but prepare for the work. I even love the stories with the not happy ending, the stories that speak on the unfairness of life, and how not everything works out the way you want them to.

I ramble on all this to say, I am rethinking the way I write. What if I don't have to write this whole book? What if I could just write some poems that tell a story? What if the story doesn't have to be a long one but a short one?

I have always thought I wanted to take my readers to a place, not of this world. However, I started to think what if I could make them not feel alone in this world but share some of mine? Sharing my pain and suffering, my joy and happiness, my innermost thought with them.

I have a lot to think about for sure. I will let you know what I decide next update!

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